Inici » The True Relationship Between Felipe VI and Letizia: A Different Perspective

The True Relationship Between Felipe VI and Letizia: A Different Perspective

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The Controversy Over the Relationship Between Felipe VI and Letizia

In recent months, an intense debate has been generated around the true relationship between Felipe VI and Letizia. Various media outlets and experts in the Royal House have questioned the stability of their marriage, especially after the controversial statements of Jaime del Burgo, who stated that the queen had had an extramarital relationship with him for several years. This supposed relationship would have come to an end in 2012, coinciding with the greatest crisis experienced by the kings.

New Details About the Alleged Relationship

Although at the time few believed Jaime del Burgo’s claims, he continued to provide new details about his relationship with the queen through messages on social networks. According to her statements, Letizia would have contacted him shortly after marrying Felipe, expressing her desire to abandon her real life and move with him to Miami, where they rented an apartment with the intention of starting a family through surrogacy.

Furthermore, Jaime Peñafiel assures that, with the knowledge of Felipe VI, Jaime del Burgo would have had a room in Zarzuela for several years, living with the kings. On the other hand, Maica Vasco affirms that Letizia had an apartment in Madrid where she had intimate meetings with the lawyer, as well as with other men. According to these sources, the queen and Telma Ortiz’s ex spent long periods of time in said apartment, behaving like a married couple, while Letizia only accompanied Felipe VI at institutional events, leaving Zarzuela for long weeks to travel and explore the world.

Cohabitation in New York and Marriage Agreements

In 2011, Letizia and Jaime del Burgo began to live together in New York, where she traveled by private plane to fulfill her institutional commitments, but returned with Jaime, while Felipe VI consented to this peculiar dynamic. According to Joaquín Abad, Letizia was deeply in love with Jaime del Burgo, whom she considered her true love, as opposed to her relationship with Felipe VI, whom she only saw as a means to becoming queen.

It is stated that the current kings signed a pact at the beginning of their relationship, agreeing that each could continue with their private lives, as long as they maintained an appearance of unity in institutional events, following the example of Juan Carlos and Sofía.


The revelations about the alleged relationship between Letizia and Jaime del Burgo have generated an intense debate about the true nature of the royal marriage. Although these statements have been the subject of controversy, it is important to consider different perspectives to understand the complexity of human relationships, especially in environments of high media exposure and institutional responsibilities.

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