Inici » Vladimir Putin strengthens ties with North Korea and Vietnam

Vladimir Putin strengthens ties with North Korea and Vietnam

dos homes amb vestit donant-se la mà en una habitació amb altres homes amb vestit i corbata al fons, Boris Vladimirski, trets facials simètrics, una foto d'estoc, realisme socialista

Vladimir Putin strengthens international relations

This week has been crucial for Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has strengthened ties with North Korea and Vietnam. His visit to North Korea, the first since 2000, has marked a milestone in bilateral relations. Furthermore, he has dedicated two days of his schedule to this visit, followed by a trip to Vietnam, a country he had not visited in a decade.

Defense agreement with North Korea

During their visit, Putin and Kim Jong-un signed a defense pact that has generated international concern. According to a US official, this agreement calls for the immediate provision of weapons and military assistance in the event of an attack on either country. This measure has been criticized by the United States, South Korea and NATO, who consider it a serious threat to peace and stability in the region.

International reactions

U.S. and South Korean officials have expressed concern about the defense pact between Russia and North Korea. According to the US State Department spokesperson, the supply of Russian weapons to Pyongyang would destabilize the Korean Peninsula and violate UN Security Council resolutions. Likewise, the American Secretary of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea have described this treaty as a serious threat to peace and stability in the region.

Content of the pact

The pact includes a mutual defense clause, committing both countries to provide assistance in the event of external aggression. According to Putin, this agreement represents a significant advance in cooperation between Russia and North Korea, based on equality and mutual respect.

NATO and South Korea concerns

NATO and South Korea have expressed concern about the possibility of Russia supplying weapons to North Korea, which could boost its ballistic missile and nuclear programs. This concern arises against a backdrop of tensions over arms shipments to both sides of the conflict in Ukraine.

Putin’s warnings

During his visit to Vietnam, Putin warned that reciprocal Russian arms supplies to North Korea would be a response to Western arms supplies to Ukrainian forces. He also pointed out that South Korea would make a serious mistake by deciding to supply weapons in Ukraine, and warned of possible consequences if this situation materializes.

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