Inici » Moncloa’s new strategy in industrial policy and its impact on the automotive sector

Moncloa’s new strategy in industrial policy and its impact on the automotive sector

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A call to action

The resignation of Seat and Cupra CEO Wayne Griffiths as president of the Spanish car union Anfac has generated a new debate about Moncloa’s industrial policy and its impact on the automotive sector. In his statements, Griffiths has criticized the State Government’s lack of progress in the transition to electric vehicles, noting that the goal of exceeding 25% of electric vehicles has moved away in the last year. These criticisms have been added to the attacks of other business groups, generating a touch of attention for the Minister of Industry Jordi Hereu.

Claiming government action

In response to the criticism, the Minister of Industry Jordi Hereu has vindicated the action of the Council of Ministers of Pedro Sánchez, highlighting the significant investments in the transition towards decarbonisation. Despite this, the persistent criticism of the automotive sector and the feeling of a lack of institutional support have generated an intense debate about the direction of industrial policy.

A path towards irreversible electric mobility

Minister Jordi Hereu has reiterated the government’s vision on the transformation of the automotive production chains, stating that the process towards electric mobility is irreversible. However, it recognizes the need to clarify public incentives for consumers in this transition.

Perspectives and calls for collaboration

Despite the withdrawal of Griffiths, the Minister of Industry has expressed his desire to continue to count on the support of the sector, highlighting the importance of his involvement in defending the interests of the Spanish automobile industry. However, criticism continues, highlighting the need for real commitment on the part of political representatives.

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