Inici » The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the month of June

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the month of June

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The CPI situation in June

In June, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) experienced a 0.3% increase compared to the previous month, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics. However, this increase has been offset by cheaper fuel and the increase in food prices at a slower pace than last year, placing the CPI at 3.4%, two tenths of under the same period of 2023.

Factors that have influenced the CPI

The cheaper fuels have been a key factor in the reduction of the CPI, being below last year’s price. In addition, despite the increase in food prices, this increase has been at a slower pace than the previous year, also contributing to the drop in the CPI.

Previous and current trends

This drop in the CPI breaks with the dynamics of the last three months, where higher figures had been recorded than the previous year. However, the organization highlights an increase in the CPI in leisure and cultural activities, which have recorded higher prices than the previous year.

Core inflation and future forecasts

The underlying CPI, which does not consider energy or unprocessed food for its calculation, remains at 3%. In addition, it is expected that the details of the changes in inflation will be published on July 12, together with the territorialized data, including the variations in the CPI in Catalonia.

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