Inici » Tickètic: The ticket sales platform that promotes transformative culture

Tickètic: The ticket sales platform that promotes transformative culture

un grup d'homes al costat de l'altre davant d'un estadi ple de seients i una fila de seients, Breyten Breytenbach, thierry doizon, una foto, les nabis

Tickètic is a Catalan cooperative that is responsible for the advance sale of tickets for cultural events. Unlike large multinationals such as Eventbrite or Ticketmaster, Tickètic has a vision of the social and solidarity economy, working to create community and consolidate alternative projects. This platform emerged from the Esperanzah Festival! and has grown to become an essential tool for today’s culture.

The large multinationals that dominate the ticketing market, such as Eventbrite and Live Nation, amass a large amount of capital and have a significant impact on the music industry. Tickètic, on the other hand, seeks to differentiate itself from these companies and promote more social and transformative values. With a mentality focused on content and cultural recommendation, Tickètic works with local events, small and medium scale, and seeks to share values ​​with the projects it collaborates with.

Tickètic understands culture as a tool for social transformation and seeks to connect people and entities interested in the same values ​​and ways of doing things. Through large audiences, Tickètic promotes the creation of communities of responsible consumers who believe in the power of culture to change the world. In addition, as a non-profit cooperative, Tickètic allocates the economic surplus to the social return of transformative projects and to collaborations with other cultural projects and entities.

Tickètic recognizes the importance of technology in the sale and management of tickets in the digital age. However, it wants to distance itself from the turbo-capitalist and centralized platform economy. The cooperative is looking for alternatives to this model and is inspired by platforms such as L’Aixeta or Goteo, which are dedicated to micro patronage. With more than four years of experience, Tickètic continues to improve its technological tool to be more competitive without renouncing its values ​​of the social and solidarity economy.

Tickètic aims to continue growing and expanding its reach and transformation radius. In addition to improving its technological tool, the cooperative wants to take root in the local culture and contribute to improving the world through culture. With its vision of ticket sales as an opportunity to create community and promote transformative projects, Tickètic is a unique platform of its kind.

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