Inici » Transformation of Guimerà: Pedestrians vs. financing

Transformation of Guimerà: Pedestrians vs. financing

Una animada escena callejera en la calle Guimerà en Manresa, llena de actividad mientras los trabajadores de la construcción, vestidos con brillantes "chalecos amarillos" y cascos de seguridad, comienzan el proyecto transformador para convertir esta importante arteria comercial en una zona "solo para peatones". La calle está llena de "edificios históricos" que muestran "arquitectura catalana", sus fachadas adornadas con "flores de colores" en jardineras. Se puede ver a los "comerciantes" discutiendo los próximos cambios, con expresiones de preocupación y esperanza en sus rostros. Algunos llevan carteles que expresan su desacuerdo con la carga financiera del proyecto, mientras que otros interactúan con los clientes, mostrando "productos locales". Algunos "niños" juegan alegremente en los nuevos "caminos peatonales" marcados, rodeados de "árboles verdes" que dan sombra. El aire está lleno de una mezcla de charlas, ruidos de construcción y los sonidos distantes de los motores de los autobuses, a medida que la ca

A new direction for Carrer Guimerà

The well-known via Guimerà de Manresa, one of the focal points of local commerce, is preparing for a significant metamorphosis. With a budget of 5.7 million euros, the city proposes to transform this artery into a space exclusively for pedestrians, an initiative that promises important changes in traffic and the atmosphere of the area.

Controversy over the financing of the works

However, the restructuring does not come without controversy. Affected residents and traders will have to bear 30% of the total cost of the works through special contributions, a measure that has generated unrest. For example, an owner of a home of 80 square meters will be forced to pay around 1,200 euros, an amount that many consider excessive.

The opposition of those affected

In response to this financial burden, residents have submitted 127 appeals to the City Council, urging them to reconsider this method of payment. Neus Uró, owner of a jewelry store in the area, and Joan Tomasa, who manages a winery, are just two examples of merchants who express concerns about the sustainability of this investment in a delicate economic moment.

Optimistic vision of the mayor

Despite criticism, the mayor strongly defends the initiative, saying that pedestrian areas are the future of modern cities. He argues that the creation of safer and more pleasant spaces for citizens is essential, not only for social well-being, but also for environmental sustainability, highlighting the importance of having trees and green areas that help regulate the temperature.

The added value of the transformation

In addition, the mayor believes that these works will not only benefit pedestrians, but also increase the value of properties in the area. This claim, however, is questioned by many traders, who recall past experiences where increases in value did not materialize as promised.

Traffic concerns

The concern is not only limited to the cost of the works. Residents also express concerns about how traffic will be managed after the street is converted. According to lawyer Sergi Roca, it is essential to thoroughly analyze the changes that will affect the circulation of vehicles and parking, aspects that could influence the quality of life of residents and the operation of local commerce.

An uncertain future

With the start of the works, the future of Carrer Guimerà is presented with uncertainties. While the vision of a more accessible and pleasant space is shared by many, the financial burden and circulation implications generate an intense debate that could influence its execution. The current situation raises questions about the feasibility of a project that aims to transform the center of Manresa into a more livable environment, while hoping that the voices of those affected will be heard and taken into account in the process.

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