Inici » Andorra Requires Knowledge of Catalan for Residence and Work Permits

Andorra Requires Knowledge of Catalan for Residence and Work Permits


New Language Requirement in Andorra

From 2029, any individual interested in obtaining or renewing a residence and work permit in Andorra will have to demonstrate competence in Catalan, according to new legislation approved.

This provision affects all foreigners resident in the country, including Spanish streamers who have chosen to move there for tax reasons in recent years.

Objective of the Law

The Andorran political parties claim that the main objective of this new law is to protect and promote the use of the Catalan language in Andorra, guaranteeing the right of citizens to be served in this language.

Requirements and Details

According to the terms of the law, those seeking to renew their residence and work permit will have to complete a 30-hour Catalan training course, unless they can demonstrate an adequate command of the language.

For resident streamers and YouTubers, such as TheGrefg, Rubius or Ampeter, specific Catalan certifications have been established. From 26 April 2026, level A1 will be required for the first renewal and level A2 for the second.

Extension to Other Permits

This requirement for knowledge of Catalan will be progressively applied to all immigration permits over the next five years, including passive residents and other professionals.

To strengthen the implementation of the law, monitoring mechanisms have been established and a more specific sanctioning framework has been defined.

Parliamentary assessment

The parliamentary groups have emphasized that this legislation promotes linguistic integration, requiring the gradual learning of the Catalan language by the new residents.

They celebrate the consensus reached during the legislative process and affirm that the amendments made have significantly improved the protection of Andorra’s linguistic heritage.

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