Inici » The Future of Water and the Canal Industrial Estate

The Future of Water and the Canal Industrial Estate

un riu que travessa un camp rural al costat d'una carretera i un pont sobre l'aigua amb cases a sobre, Andreas Gursky, fotografia premiada, una foto, superplana

The Importance of Protecting Water

It is crucial to understand the interests behind the construction of an industrial estate on the main aquifer that supplies the city. This issue has repeatedly generated controversy, highlighting the need to protect a resource as precious as water.

History and Current Affairs

Historically, struggles for water have been present in society, as was seen in the conflict known as ‘La Sarga’ that took place in the 16th century. Today, despite the recent rainfall, many areas of Spain are in a state of emergency due to drought and pollution, endangering drinking water for millions of people.

Current Challenges

Spain and Greece are the countries most affected by water stress, with 75% of the territory at risk of desertification. In addition, overexploitation and pollution have put 44% of Spain’s groundwater bodies in a worrying state. This situation is even more alarming considering the shift towards large industrialized farms in agriculture and livestock, putting the sustainability and health of the environment at risk.

Legal and Environmental Challenges

The Court of Justice of the EU has condemned Spain for breaching the Nitrates Directive, evidencing an alarming increase in nitrate pollution in groundwater. This situation is a wake-up call about the urgent need to protect and preserve drinking water sources.


Water is a vital resource, and its protection is essential for the well-being of society. It is imperative to act responsibly and sustainably to ensure a safe and healthy future for all.

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