Inici » The Importance of Reading in the Development of Critical Thinking

The Importance of Reading in the Development of Critical Thinking

un home llegint un llibre a una biblioteca amb un munt de llibres als prestatges darrere d'ell i una cadira de cuir, art acadèmic, una foto d'estoc, manga, art i llenguatge

Reading as a Tool to Expand Thinking

Beyond idealized conceptions about reading, it is essential to understand its role in the development of critical thinking. Immersing yourself in the ideas and perspectives of others through reading not only enriches the intellect, but also challenges and expands our own thinking mechanisms. By exploring the psychological world of different authors, the door is opened to new ways of thinking and the confrontation of ideas, which contributes significantly to the development of a solid foundation for critical thinking.

Reading as a Builder of Criterion

Reading should not be associated exclusively with political or social purposes, but rather recognized as an essential tool to improve thinking capacity. By acquiring more information through reading, personal judgment is strengthened, which in turn provides the autonomy necessary to act consciously in society.

The Impact of Reading on Thinking Configuration

Lack of reading and understanding can leave people vulnerable to manipulation and external control of their thoughts. Without the ability to discern and understand the information around us, one’s thinking is subject to external influences, which limits the ability to self-govern and form judgment.

Reading as a Tool for Opinion Formation

Reading, unlike other means of consuming information, requires a level of concentration and understanding that encourages memory and critical analysis. This active reading process contributes to the formation of informed opinions and the ability to assimilate new ideas more effectively.

The Role of Reading in Education

It is crucial to recognize the intrinsic value of reading in the educational field. Reading comprehension is not only fundamental for individual development, but is also essential for building a critically informed and engaged society. The evaluation and promotion of reading comprehension must be priorities in educational programs, since its disregard can lead to the intellectual lack of protection of future generations.


Reading, far from being a merely recreational activity, is a fundamental pillar in the formation of critical thinking and intellectual autonomy. Its impact on the configuration of thought, the formation of criteria and the capacity for discernment make it an indispensable tool for individual and collective development. It is the responsibility of society and the educational system to promote and value reading as a fundamental pillar in the construction of free and critically informed citizens.

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