Inici » The New EU Defense Commissioner: A Key Role in European Politics

The New EU Defense Commissioner: A Key Role in European Politics

una dona parada en un podi davant de banderes i un micròfon davant seu és un micròfon, Eva Švankmajerová, rutkowski, un barroc flamenc, secessió de Berlín

An Innovative Proposal

The proposal to introduce an EU Defense Commissioner is generating a great debate in Brussels. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the need for rearmament of the EU on the agenda, this new role proposed in the next Commission seems like it should be one of the highest profiles in the European capital.

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has expressed her intention to create this portfolio if she wins a second term at the head of the EU executive after the next elections. This initiative has generated enthusiasm and there is even speculation that the post could fall to a political heavyweight such as the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radosław Sikorski.

Reactions and Speculations

Several names are being considered for the position, including Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis has also been mentioned.

However, some experts warn that this position could be merely symbolic, without a significant budget or power, as national capitals retain their power in military matters. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has pointed out that a defense commissioner is conceivable as long as it focuses on industrial coordination.

Tensions in Brussels

In addition, there has been speculation about a possible fight between the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. This tension between the two main officials of the European Union has been the subject of rumors and speculation, with fears that Michel will try to thwart a possible second term for von der Leyen.

This situation has raised concerns among eight EU diplomats, civil servants and national government officials, who fear that the rivalry between Michel and von der Leyen could affect the functioning of the EU.

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