Inici » Felipe VI and Letícia will celebrate 20 years of marriage

Felipe VI and Letícia will celebrate 20 years of marriage

un home i una dona amb vestit de núvia l'un al costat de l'altre davant d'una multitud de persones, Charles Bird King, fantàsticament cridaner, il·lustració d'un llibre de contes, gòtic internacional

A special birthday

Next Wednesday, May 22, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. This occasion is special as not all royal marriages reach this milestone. It is a time to remember and reflect on the years lived together and the challenges overcome.

A union with ups and downs

The relationship between Felipe and Letícia has not always been easy. Unlike their predecessors on the throne, Joan Carlos and Sofia, this couple has had to face several obstacles over the years. Despite the difficulties, they have maintained their commitment and continued to carry out their royal responsibilities.

A marriage with secrets

Although Felipe and Letícia have maintained a positive public image, rumors about their relationship have not stopped emerging. Family photos that have recently come to light have generated speculation and second readings. It is interesting to note how the images show a peculiar dynamic between members of the royal family.

Some photographs with hidden messages

The images distributed by Casa Real to commemorate the wedding anniversary show a clear preference for portraying the couple’s children, Elionor and Sofia, rather than Felipe and Letícia. This choice can be interpreted in various ways, but it is clear that there is a subtle message in this decision.

A complex marital reality

Despite appearances, Felipe and Letícia’s marital reality is complex. While they have to keep up appearances in their roles as king and queen, their personal relationship has had its ups and downs. It’s important to remember that this is a common situation in many royal marriages and that not everything is as it seems.

An uncertain future

Now that Felip and Letícia are celebrating 20 years of marriage, it is natural to wonder what the future holds for this couple. Only they know what their aspirations are and how they want to continue their life together. What is certain is that they have overcome many obstacles so far and continue to carry out their responsibilities with dedication and commitment.

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