Inici » John Charles I and his relationship with the royal family

John Charles I and his relationship with the royal family

un home i una dona amb uniforme sostenint un nadó en una habitació amb pintures a les parets i un quadre d'un home amb uniforme blau, Carl Gustaf Pilo, imatge promocional, un pòster, premsa privada

A complex relationship

John Charles I, the emeritus, has been the subject of a lot of media attention in recent years. There has been speculation about his relationship with the royal family and his intentions regarding Letizia’s reign. However, it is important to note that there is no concrete evidence to suggest that John Charles is out to ruin Letizia’s reign or harm her family. These statements are mere speculation and are not based on concrete facts (

Regular visits

For four years, John Charles I has been living in exile, but his visits to Spain are becoming more regular every day. Despite this, efforts have been made to keep these visits secret and out of the reach of the press. This discretion is understandable, since Joan Carles wants to move with complete normality and without the constant presence of the media.

Reunions familiars

Despite the exile, John Charles I has the possibility to meet with his family privately. Infanta Elena is one of the people who visits him most frequently in Sanxenxo, and accompanies him in the regattas. It is also common for the infanta Elena to travel with him in the private plane to see his son Froilán. In addition, Victoria Federica, another of Joan Carles’ granddaughters, does not miss the opportunity to visit her grandfather, as she has a very special relationship with him ( Catalan/).

Devotion for the net

Juan Carlos I has a special devotion for his grandchildren, especially for Froilán and Victoria Federica. He has always taken care of them more than any other grandchild, especially after the divorce of Infanta Elena and the problems that this brought. It is important to note that Joan Carles considers all her grandchildren important and dear, but she has a special connection with these two, perhaps because they are the oldest.

The future of Victoria Federica

There has been speculation about the professional future of Victoria Federica, and it has been said that she could dedicate herself to acting. However, it seems that this project will not materialize, since Joan Carles has intervened to prevent it. It has been said that he has paid a significant amount of money so that Victoria Federica is not given this opportunity. Joan Carles believes that her granddaughter is not ready for this task and does not want her to be in the media spotlight (


In short, the relationship of John Charles I with the royal family is complex and full of nuances. Despite the speculation and rumours, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that John Charles is out to ruin Letizia’s reign or harm her family. It is important to bear in mind that these statements are mere speculation and are not based on concrete facts (

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