Inici » Leonor, a princess who grows up and searches for her own identity

Leonor, a princess who grows up and searches for her own identity

un home i una dona asseguts a una taula signant papers i signant papers junts davant d'una llar de foc, Anna Maria Barbara Abesch, fotografia professional, un quadre, premsa privada

Leonor, a young woman who assumes her responsibilities

Leonor has shown that she is no longer a child. He came of age last October 31 and from that moment he agreed to fulfill his institutional obligations, but he also wanted to be the owner of his life.

During these 18 years, she has not only had to struggle with being the future queen of Spain, but she has also had to obey all of Letizia’s rules. Her mother is too controlling and obsessive. From an early age she instilled in them her own menu, even at school, and always kept an eye on who were their friends and their families.

A new stage in Zaragoza

The princess could not go out at night, not even safely. Since this time in Zaragoza, his life has completely changed. In Wales he could still exert some control over her, as he still does with Sofia, but in the military center it is impossible. They have refused to pass a report of the future queen of Spain, they did not even change the food of the cadets. In the Aragonese city, Sofia’s sister has on many occasions eaten fast food, hamburgers, pizzas, everything that is forbidden on Letizia’s menu.

A touch of attention from Letizia

Leonor has received a touch of attention from Letizia for her behavior in Zaragoza. He has frequented too many nightclubs and was always late to the military center. Or even in Madrid, where on one occasion he stayed in a reserved VIP room of a local until six in the morning when it closed. On another occasion, her mother’s highlight, the princess smoked an electronic cigarette.

vacation time

Letizia’s biggest fear is the princess’s vacation time. Leonor has finished her first year of training in Zaragoza and will return to Zarzuela to spend a few weeks with her parents, she will also visit Marivent out of obligation, as her idea is to go on vacation with her friends.

Leonor, a young woman looking for her own identity

Eleanor has shown that she is no longer a child and does not attend to the duties of the queen. She herself has her own rules. Zarzuela no longer sleeps. She is tired of her parents’ arguments and has decided to make her own life. The princess arrives in the morning, takes the opportunity to see her friends from Madrid. It comes out more than Victoria Federica, but the Royal House hides it. It would be a scandal.

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