Inici » The ‘official’ holidays of Princess Eleonor and Infanta Sofia

The ‘official’ holidays of Princess Eleonor and Infanta Sofia

un home amb uniforme parlant amb una dona amb un uniforme de vestir fora d'un edifici amb altres homes amb uniforme, Anna Maria Barbara Abesch, elit, una foto d'estoc, arabesc

The return to Zarzuela and the start of the holidays

After completing the course at the Zaragoza Military Academy and the UWC Atlantic College in Wales, Princess Eleonor and Infanta Sofia returned to Zarzuela more than a week ago. However, his ‘official’ holiday started only this Friday.

Eleonor has spent her first year in the army receiving military training and returned to the palace after the Closing Ceremony of the school year at the General Military Academy in Zaragoza and before the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the reign of Felipe VI . Sofia, who has been in the first year of high school at the boarding school in Wales, was already at home last Friday.

The trip to London and the Taylor Swift concert

After being protagonists in the tribute to their father for his 10 years of reign, Eleonor and Sofia traveled to London. They attended Taylor Swift’s concert at Wembley Stadium with a group of friends, although their presence was not without tension as the escort ensured their safety.

Other members of the royal family also attended the concert, such as Prince William with his children and Princess Amalia of Holland, who has a good relationship with Eleonor and Sofia.

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