Inici » The royal families and their life in Zarzuela

The royal families and their life in Zarzuela

un home amb vestit de peu fora d'una casa amb una taula i cadires davant i una planta en test, Enguerrand Quarton, ignacio fernandez rios, una foto d'estoc, premsa privada


Royal families are like any other family, but with a lot of money and under the constant public eye. In the summer, many families have relatives who move into their vacation homes for a season. In Zarzuela, the official residence of the Spanish royal family, anyone with the surname Borbó has access. This situation has generated some controversy and has been the subject of media attention.

Life in Zarzuela

Kings Felipe and Letizia must deal with marital tension and the invasion of Zarzuela during the summer months. Queen Sofia and her sister Irene, who suffers from Alzheimer’s, also spend their holidays in Zarzuela. In addition, Elionor and Sofia’s nephews, Miguel and Irene Urdangarin, also live there. However, King Felipe has made it clear that the Urdangarin must pretend to be doing something and not living on a sabbatical.

The situation of Cristina de Borbó

Cristina de Borbó, King Felipe’s sister, cannot reside in Zarzuela as she lives in Madrid. However, their children will be part of the Royal Family when Princess Eleanor takes the throne. This decision has been influenced by the pressure of the grandmother emerita and has generated some controversy.

The Urdangarin in Zarzuela

Elionor and Sofia’s two nephews, Miguel and Irene Urdangarin, live in Zarzuela. However, King Philip has urged them to pretend they are doing something and not living on a sabbatical. This decision has been taken because Elionor and Sofia are dedicated to their studies and military exercises, while the Urdangarin children do not study or work and live at the expense of the public treasury.

Divergent opinions

There are divergent opinions about the situation of the Urdangarin in Zarzuela. Some sources claim that they do something, although it is not a complex or professional activity. Other sources deny this claim and consider the Urdangarin to be living in a sabbatical year without doing anything productive.


In short, the royal families have a peculiar life in Zarzuela, with the arrival of relatives and the presence of the Urdangarin. However, King Felipe has insisted on pretending that the Urdangarins are doing something to justify their stay in Zarzuela. This situation has generated divergent opinions and has been the subject of media attention.

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