Inici » A fascinating portrait of Palestinian life through the decades

A fascinating portrait of Palestinian life through the decades

un home amb vestit i corbata davant d'un prestatge de llibres amb llibres i un somriure a la cara, Ahmed Karahisari, David Lazar, un retrat, art acadèmic

A unique look at the Palestinian community

One of the most exciting and thought-provoking new books in bookstores right now is the 2024 Pulitzer Prize-winning work by American journalist Nathan Thrall. This book offers a fascinating portrait of the life of the Palestinian community over the decades, a history filtered through its national struggle and its cultural substrates. The author has chosen an anonymous but representative figure to explain everything he wants to narrate. By reading ‘A day in the life of Abed Salama’, published in Catalan by Periscopi and in Spanish by Anagrama, you will be able to understand many things and enjoy a few hours of exceptional reading.

A story that goes beyond the life of Abed Salama

This book, entitled ‘A day in the life of Abed Salama’, is not just a description of a day in the life of Abed Salama. It is a complete narrative of the life of this character, who is a real person with his virtues and contradictions. The author presents us with an initial tragedy that takes us back in time to the present day, offering us a chronicle of the Palestinian people throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. This little story allows us to understand one of the most important stories in modern history, all thanks to the brilliant prose of Nathan Thrall, an American journalist based in Jerusalem.

A realistic view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This book offers us a realistic and captivating view of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, focusing on everyday life in the West Bank. The author explained in a press conference that it was very important to present the Palestinians as real people, with their virtues and flaws, in order to convince readers of the veracity of the facts. Thrall has been recognized for his work, which has received praise from publications such as The New Yorker, The Economist and The Financial Times.

A call to action

The author has emphasized the importance of this book in the current context, especially after the events of October 7, 2023. Thrall believes that it is necessary to take steps to prevent history from repeating itself and work to end the deep injustice that lives in this region. The book does not seek to be anti-Semitic, but aims to generate understanding and empathy towards the Palestinian community.

A book that seeks to change perspectives

Nathan Thrall has confessed that he wants to reach out to the Jewish community in the United States in order to change their views and generate constructive dialogue. However, he has admitted that even his own mother has been reluctant to read what he has written. With this book, the author hopes that people can better understand the complexity of the conflict and work towards a just solution for all parties involved.

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