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A historic celebration in Castelldans

un sacerdot dret davant d'una taula amb una creu i una copa de vi davant, Anthony Angarola, zabrocki, un retrat de personatges, els automatistes

The first Capuchin brother Òscar Bernaus Griño celebrates his first mass in Castelldans

On Saturday June 8, the town of Castelldans experienced a historic day with the celebration of the first mass of the Capuchin brother Òscar Bernaus Griñó, son of this town of Les Garrigues. Friar Òscar was ordained a priest on Sunday 2 June at the convent of the Visitation of the Capuchins in Arenys de Mar, by the auxiliary bishop of Barcelona David Abadías ( ).

An emotional celebration full of meaning

The mass was concelebrated by the former rector of Castelldans, Lucas Evung, the rector of Les Borges Blanques, Josep Solé, and Mn. Joshua Enrique Carrillo, in charge of the Torms, Juncosa and Granyena de les Garrigues parishes, who was a theological study partner with brother Òscar. The Eucharist was enlivened by the Olivera Choir, which brought a solemn touch to the celebration.

Brother Óscar’s words and his satisfaction

In his homily, Brother Óscar referred to the word of God for the day, which coincided with the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He invited the faithful to listen to what God wants from us and to fulfill his will. At the end of the celebration, Brother Òscar expressed his satisfaction and emotion to celebrate his first mass in his native town and in the parish where he was baptized. He affirmed that, despite being a Capuchin friar, he felt privileged to be able to be an instrument of the Lord and to carry the name of his people everywhere (

Congratulations and gifts

Mr. Lucas Evung, on behalf of the parish, congratulated the new priest for having listened to the call of God and the people of Castelldans for having given their son to the Church. The bishop of Lleida, Salvador Giménez Valls, went up to the altar to kiss the hands of brother Òscar and thanked his family for having given us a priest. Friar Òscar received several gifts, such as a basket with souvenirs from Castelldans from the village, a reproduction of the arcades of Carrer dels Frares from the mayor and an artistic mural of the parish with the Franciscan greeting of Peace and Goodness (https://

Friar Óscar’s path to his ordination

Fra Òscar Bernaus Griñó was born in Castelldans in 1976. He studied Classical Philology in Barcelona and worked as a professor of Catalan in Germany at the university level. He began his spiritual journey with the Capuchins in 2015, taking his first vows as a Capuchin friar on February 3, 2017 and his final profession on February 12, 2023. He received diaconal ordination from the archbishop of the Seu d’Urgell Joan Enric Vives on July 8 of the same year. Friar Óscar feels privileged to be able to be an instrument of the Lord and to carry the name of his people everywhere.

A memorable celebration for Castelldans

The celebration of the first mass of the Capuchin brother Òscar Bernaus Griñó has been a historic event for the town of Castelldans. With the joy and excitement of seeing a son of the village become a priest, the villagers have shown their support and admiration. The Olivera Choir has contributed to the festive atmosphere with its music, and the gifts and congratulations have been a sign of the affection and love for Brother Óscar. This celebration will remain in the memory of Castelldans as a special and significant moment (

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