Inici » A new digital tool for recruitment and job search in the Pyrenees

A new digital tool for recruitment and job search in the Pyrenees

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A new opportunity for the labor market in the Pyrenees

El Pirineu has launched an innovative digital tool called “Piriofertes”, which offers an online platform for job hunting and recruitment. This tool allows both companies to post their job offers and unemployed people to search for job opportunities. With this initiative, the aim is to facilitate the meeting between the offer and the demand for work in the regions of the Pyrenees, the Pre-Pyrenees and Andorra.

Operation and objectives of Piriofertes

Piriofertes, managed by the Regional Council of l’Alt Urgell, offers an environment where companies can publish their job vacancies along with contact details so that interested candidates can submit their candidacies. On the other hand, job seekers can check the available offers and get detailed information about the requirements, conditions and means of direct contact with the companies. This tool aims to be agile and convenient for companies in the publication of offers and at the same time provide an accessible consultation space for people looking for work.

Scope of application and coordination

Piriofertes is not limited to a specific region, but offers information on active offers in Alt Urgell, Cerdanya, the rest of the Catalan Pyrenees and Andorra. In addition, the Oficina Jove de l’Alt Urgell is the entity in charge of managing this tool and coordinating its use with the neighboring counties. This collaboration aims to promote employment and respond to the needs of the economic fabric, turning Piriofertes into a versatile and useful tool for all types of offers and audiences.

Diversity of offers in the regions of the Pyrenees

The Piriofertes board already has a wide range of job offers in the regions of the Pyrenees, Pre-Pyrenees and Andorra. In Cerdanya, around forty job offers have been published, mainly in the trade, food and tourism sectors. In addition, Alt Urgell has around 45 job offers in various contractual modalities, such as indefinite, full-time and part-time. Thus, Piriofertes offers a great diversity of job opportunities for those looking for work in this region.

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