Inici » A new learning experience: Creating a Podcast

A new learning experience: Creating a Podcast

dos joves asseguts a una taula amb un ordinador portàtil i auriculars posats, i una pantalla de projector darrere d'ells, Apelles, enfocament dur, un barroc flamenc, escola de barbizon


During the month of March, the 2nd year ESO students of IES Son Cladera embarked on an exciting learning adventure. Under the name ‘Let’s Make a Podcast?’, they explored the world of podcasts and discovered how to create their own content in a creative and informative way.

Discovering the world of Podcasts

To begin with, the students decided to practice their pronunciation through music. They chose the song ‘La gent que estimo’ by the group Oques Fatses and sang it with enthusiasm. They then researched what exactly a podcast is and how it can be used as a medium of communication.

Their Catalan language teacher presented them with a podcast from the 3Cat platform. This podcast narrated the experiences of three young migrants who had come to Spain from other countries. The students learned about the challenges these young people had faced and how they had found a home in a foster home.

Exploring the play ‘Fail’

In the Catalan classes, the students had the opportunity to read the play ‘Fail’ by Clara Ingold. Through a shared reading, they met the sixteen characters who inhabited this story. Each character had a unique personality and students identified with some of them.

After reading, students chose which character they wanted to play and explored their personalities and motivations. They used a hat dynamic to assign each character to a student. This allowed the students to connect with the characters and better understand the play.

From the play to the podcast

With the help of Clara Ingold, the students adapted scenes from the play into podcast format. They recorded the scenes using a microphone and a cell phone in the hallway of the high school. His teacher took charge of the technical assembly and created a radio script with the twelve scenes of the play.

Finally, students listened to their own podcasts in class and evaluated them. They were excited to see how they had turned the play into a unique and personal podcast experience. To share their work with the world, they published the podcasts on the institute’s website.

Acknowledgment and publication

As a reward for their effort and talent, the students received a letter from the Teatre Principal de Palma. In this email, they were told that their podcasts would be published on the Teatre Principal website. This recognition motivated the students even more and made them feel proud of their work.


The creation of the podcasts was an enriching experience for the 2nd year ESO students at IES Son Cladera. They learned about the world of podcasts, explored the play ‘Fail’ and turned it into a unique podcast. This experience allowed them to develop communication, creativity and teamwork skills. They are excited to share their work with the world and hope their podcasts inspire others to explore the world of podcasting.

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