Inici » Acció Cultural del País Valencian calls on citizens to show their opposition to the Rovira Law

Acció Cultural del País Valencian calls on citizens to show their opposition to the Rovira Law

un grup de persones assegudes a una taula davant d'una pantalla amb una pantalla gran darrere d'ells i un home dret davant de la taula, Almada Negreiros, behance hd, una foto d'estoc, regionalisme

Acció Cultural del País Valencian calls on citizens to show their opposition to the new education law

Acció Cultural del País Valencian is calling on the citizens of the territory to show their disagreement and opposition to the new education law, known as the Rovira Law. One of the points that is attacked in this new law is the Valencian language, and for this reason, Cultural Action is running the ‘The language is not touched’ campaign, which calls for the withdrawal of this new law that wants to go back our language

The defense of the Valencian language

According to Cultural Action of the Valencian Country, this new law endangers the Valencian language. In the Valencian-speaking regions, it is only guaranteed that the subject of Valencian is taught, which endangers the minority language. On the other hand, in the Spanish-speaking regions, the exemption from studying in Valencian is allowed and it is forbidden to have areas in Valencian even in the case that families request it. This creates a real inequality between citizens who will not have the opportunity to learn Valencian.

A law without a pedagogical foundation

Acció Cultural del País Valencian considers that the Rovira Law is an attempt against the linguistic rights of both Valencian and Spanish-speaking people. In addition, they argue that this law has no pedagogical basis and goes against the studies that exist on language teaching in bilingual areas. Its only purpose is to make the Valencian disappear.

Citizen mobilization

In order to show its opposition to the Rovira Law, Acció Cultural del País Valencian has called several demonstrations in different municipalities. In Cocentaina, a rally was held on the steps of the Municipal Library. In Banyeres de Mariola, in front of CEIP Alfonso Iniesta. In Ibi, in Plaça de la Tartana. And in Alcoi, in front of the Town Hall.

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