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Admission to university: Entrance tests and changes to the curriculum

una aula plena d'estudiants prenent apunts als seus escriptoris i escrivint en paper davant d'ells, Ayshia Taşkın, panoràmica, una foto d'estoc, escola del Danubi

The start of university entrance exams

Today begins the first day of the university entrance exams (PAU) in the year 2024. Starting at 9 in the morning, thousands of students in Catalonia will gather in the classrooms of the faculties to face the exams. These students come from their second year of high school, vocational training (FP) or have independently enrolled in the entrance exams. This year’s first challenge is the ‘Spanish language and literature’ exam, one of the five core subjects that must be evaluated. This year, the structure of this exam remains the same as in previous years, with the only difference that students must respond to two of the four options presented to them.

Changes in entrance tests

A novelty in this year’s access tests is the inclusion of questions of a competency nature, following the new curriculum established by the Organic Law of Education (LOMLOE). This means that students will be able to choose which questions to answer, thus avoiding those related to required high school readings. In addition, the ‘Foreign Language’ exam, which will take place from 12 noon, will allow students to choose between English, French, Italian or German.

The specific phase of the entrance tests

After the general phase exams, which represent 40% of the final grade, students will face the specific phase exams. These exams are optional and allow students to choose the subjects in which they wish to be evaluated. In the first block of this Tuesday’s specific phase there are subjects such as ‘Physics’, ‘Artistic Foundations’, ‘Geography’, ‘Geology and Environmental Sciences’ and ‘Dramatic Literature’. These exams, which last 1.30 hours each, will mark the end of the first day of the university entrance exams.

Changes in the operation of access tests

In addition to the changes in the Catalan and Spanish questions, related to mandatory readings, this year’s entrance tests present other modifications. Students now have more options to choose the subjects of the general phase, since new options have been added depending on the baccalaureate they have completed. These options include subjects such as ‘Artistic Drawing’, ‘Latin Language and Culture’, ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Mathematics applied to the social sciences’.

Importance of university entrance tests

University entrance tests are essential for students who want to enter higher education. These tests evaluate the knowledge acquired during the high school stage and allow students to demonstrate their academic ability. In addition, access tests are also a determining factor in the admission process to universities, since the grade obtained in these tests is one of the selection criteria used by educational institutions.


The start of university entrance exams marks a crucial moment in the lives of students. These exams represent an opportunity to demonstrate your academic preparation and access higher education. With the changes implemented this year, the entrance tests seek to adapt to the needs and competencies of students, providing options and evaluating skills beyond theoretical knowledge. Without a doubt, university entrance tests are an important step on the path to academic and professional success.

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