Inici » Alcoi faces summer temperatures

Alcoi faces summer temperatures

una gran piscina amb unes quantes cadires al voltant i para-sols al costat de la zona de la piscina, Enguerrand Quarton, qualitat espectacular, una foto d'estoc, superplana

Measures to deal with the heat wave

With the arrival of summer, the city of Alcoy is preparing for the high temperatures expected in the coming months. The City Council has launched a series of measures in order to alleviate the effects of the heat wave and to protect especially risk groups, such as the elderly, babies and people with cardiovascular or respiratory diseases.

Free access to the swimming pools and urban transport

One of the measures highlighted is free access to municipal swimming pools during the alert period. This will allow citizens to cool off and enjoy a safe and suitable space for the high temperatures. In addition, urban transport will be free to facilitate the travel of people who need to move for work or personal reasons.

Summer hours for libraries and museums

Municipal libraries and museums will adjust their hours to adapt to summer temperatures. This will allow citizens to enjoy these cultural spaces in the cooler hours of the day. In addition, other municipal buildings, such as the Àgora in the Center and the Cervantes Youth Center (CCJ) in the Eixample-Santa Rosa, will remain open during the heat wave.

Prevention measures for the population

In addition to the measures taken by the City Council, it is important for the population to take precautions to protect themselves from the high temperatures. Some recommendations include drinking fluids frequently, avoiding alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, spending time in cool places, and reducing physical activity during the middle hours of the day. It is also important to wear light clothing and keep medicines in a cool place.

Attention to risk groups

Special attention must be paid to risk groups, such as the elderly, babies and pregnant women. It is important to avoid leaving any person or animal in a parked and closed vehicle. In case of symptoms of heatstroke, it is important to consult health professionals and take appropriate measures to cool down and lower body temperature.

Measures for workers

Alcoi City Council has also taken measures to protect workers during the heat wave. Working hours have been adjusted to reduce sun exposure and precautions have been taken to prevent heatstroke among the workforce. In addition, recommendations on adequate hydration and sun protection have been provided.

Recommendations for pet owners

Pet owners should also take precautions during the heat wave. You should avoid walking the animals during the central hours of the day and in places with direct sunlight. Care should also be taken with the pads of the legs, as hot asphalt can cause burns. It is important to bring fresh water for the animals and avoid leaving them in parked vehicles.

In short, Alcoi is preparing for summer temperatures with a series of measures to mitigate the effects of the heat wave. Both the City Council and the population must take precautions and follow the recommendations to ensure safety and well-being during this time of year.

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