Inici » Antonio David Flores and the success of Ni que fuéramos on Ten TV

Antonio David Flores and the success of Ni que fuéramos on Ten TV

un home amb vestit blau assegut en una cadira en un despatx amb camisa blava i corbata blava, Arturo Rivera, imatge promocional, retrat d'un personatge, premsa privada

Antonio David Flores and the impact of Ni que fueramos on Ten TV

Antonio David Flores is always in the spotlight of his former colleagues from Sálvame and the production company La Fàbrica de la Tele. For this reason, he has closely followed the arrival of Ni que fuéramos on Ten TV, a program that has achieved great audience success. This success is due, in part, to his participation in the premiere, since he was the protagonist of an interview given by his ex-partner, Marta Riesco, in which he talked about his past relationship.

Antonio David Flores discovers the results of Ni que fuéramos on Ten TV

Antonio David Flores, without any doubt, has followed with anticipation the arrival of Ni que fuéramos on traditional television, on Ten TV. This arrival was marked by the presence of Marta Riesco, his ex. After 15 months away from television, Marta has decided to return to give her honest testimony.

Antonio David was able to see how Marta spoke bluntly about her time on the program El programa de AR, where she accused him of mistreating her. He even made it clear that he had not treated her well, unlike what he had done with Patricia Pardo.

The great interest in Antonio David Flores

What has aroused the most interest is everything related to Antonio David Flores. It has been talked about how they met, their relationship and even Olga Moreno’s behavior. Marta has claimed that Olga has lied publicly, since she talked about her relationship with Antonio David as if they were still together, when in reality they were no longer.

All these issues have captivated the public’s attention, which has contributed to the success of Ni que fuéramos, which has achieved a loyal audience online, as well as 258,000 viewers and a screen share of 3.2% in its premieres on Ten TV. These figures show that it has been the most watched program of the chain.

Reactions to the premiere of Ni que fueramos on Ten TV

The premiere of Ni que fuéramos has generated debate on social networks. There are netizens who feel that the audience results are not as positive as expected, while others are positive about the success of the program and foresee a good future for it.

In summary, the premiere of Ni que fuéramos on Ten TV has been a great success thanks to the participation of Antonio David Flores and the interest generated by his past and his relationship with Marta Riesco. The show has achieved a loyal audience and outstanding ratings results, establishing itself as one of Ten TV’s most watched shows.

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