Inici » Assembly of Caritas Catalonia in Tortosa

Assembly of Caritas Catalonia in Tortosa


The development of the Assembly

On Wednesday 10 April, the Assembly of Càritas Catalunya was held in Tortosa, with the participation of the management teams of the ten Càritas that are part of it. The event took place at the headquarters of Caritas Diocesana in Tortosa, where the attendees were received by Msgr. Sergi Gordo, bishop of Tortosa. In his speech, Msgr. Gordo emphasized the importance of supporting the most vulnerable and marginalized in society, as well as the work that Càritas Catalunya carries out in this area.

Presentation of the Strategic Plan

During the Assembly, the 2024-2027 Strategic Plan of Cáritas Diocesana de Tortosa was briefly presented. In addition, reference was made to a recent document published by the Congregation for Divine Worship Dignitas Infinita, which deals with human dignity.

Election of the new president

One of the highlights of the Assembly was the start of the election process for the new president of Càritas Catalunya, as well as the renewal of the vice-presidencies of the Permanent Commission.

Economic information and budget

In the economic field, the closure of the financial year 2023 was presented and the budget for 2024 was proposed, which was approved by those present. This topic generated a constructive dialogue and questions and doubts related to the charitable and social work of Cáritas throughout the territory were addressed.

Other topics covered

During the Assembly, other topics such as institutional activities and relations with the public administration and other bodies were addressed. The work carried out by the Diocesan Charities and the support of Cáritas Catalunya in different areas such as social, communication, people and management were also highlighted.

Conclusion of the Assembly

The Assembly ended with a short prayer and a brotherhood lunch.

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