Inici » Asturias and Madrid Connected at Full Speed: AVE Tickets Now on Sale!

Asturias and Madrid Connected at Full Speed: AVE Tickets Now on Sale!


High Speed ​​​​Arrives in Asturias

After years of waiting and controversy, the second phase of the arrival of high speed to Asturias is now a reality. RENFE has put tickets on sale to travel between Asturias and Madrid on the modern Avril trains, which will come into operation from May 21.

Low Prices to Attract Everyone

With the aim of attracting all types of public, RENFE has launched a campaign with ‘low cost’ prices. As of today, 28,000 tickets are available for only 18 euros.

Significant Cuts in Travel Times

The arrival of the new Avril trains implies a significant reduction in travel times. The Oviedo-Madrid journey will take only three hours and six minutes, twelve minutes less than before. For its part, the Gijón-Madrid route will be completed in three hours and thirty-six minutes, ten minutes less.

Schedules Adapted to Needs

The schedules established by the Ministry of Transportation are designed to meet the needs of travelers. The ‘early bird train’ will leave Gijón at six in the morning, arriving in Madrid at nine thirty, ideal for work trips. In addition, weekend services have been strengthened to attract tourists.

Increase in Places and Benefits for Various Regions

The new Avril trains will allow a notable increase in seats, going from 16,000 to 21,000, an increase of 33.5%. In addition, the services will benefit not only Asturias, but also the high-speed lines of Castilla-León, Castilla-La Mancha and Comunitat Valenciana.

Tense relations between the Ministry and the Principality

The delay in the arrival of the Avril trains to Asturias caused tensions between the Ministry of Transport, led by Óscar Puente, and the government of Adrián Barbón. The Asturian president expressed his disbelief at the new announced dates, stating that he would only believe in the arrival of the trains when the tickets went on sale.

Years of delays

In 2016, Renfe awarded Talgo the construction of 30 high-speed trains for an amount of 1,281 million euros. However, the delivery of the trains was delayed due to factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic and other geopolitical events.

Penalties and Training of Drivers

Renfe threatened to impose a penalty of 80,000 euros for each day of delay in the delivery of the trains. At the beginning of February, Renfe began training the drivers who will operate the new Avril S106 trains.

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