Inici » Black garlic: a healthy and delicious food

Black garlic: a healthy and delicious food

un grup d'alls amb el cap tallat i sencer sobre una taula amb llavors escampades al seu voltant, Boetius Adamsz Bolswert, fotografia professional d'aliments, fotografia d'estoc, simbolisme

What is black garlic?

Black garlic is a food that has gained popularity in recent years due to its health benefits and unique flavor. Unlike common garlic, black garlic is obtained through a fermentation process that transforms its physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics.

Elaboration process

Black garlic is produced by fermenting common garlic at high temperatures and high humidity conditions for a long period, which can vary between 30 and 90 days. During this process, garlic develops its unique characteristics without the addition of external organisms such as bacteria or yeast.

Physical and chemical changes

During fermentation, garlic undergoes biochemical changes that give it a deep black color, a soft and chewy texture, and a sweet flavor similar to that of molasses or licorice. These changes are due to the Maillard reaction, a series of chemical reactions that occur when food is heated.

Additionally, black garlic loses the strong pungent odor and flavor characteristic of fresh garlic, making it more palatable to many people.

Nutritional differences and health benefits

Black garlic not only differs in flavor and texture, but also in its nutritional properties. It contains significantly higher levels of antioxidants, which are important for combating oxidative stress and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Additionally, black garlic contains bioactive compounds such as S-allyl-cysteine, which has been associated with health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and cardioprotective effects. These compounds also improve the bioavailability of nutrients, allowing the body to absorb and use them more efficiently.

Culinary uses

In cooking, black garlic is used in a variety of ways due to its sweet and umami flavor. It is used in salad dressings, marinades, desserts and main dishes. Its versatility makes it a prized ingredient in contemporary gastronomy, where it is valued both for its flavor and its health benefits.

Black garlic is a fermented variant of common garlic that offers a unique sensory experience and various health benefits. Its production process transforms both its flavor and texture as well as its nutritional properties, making it a fascinating and healthy ingredient in modern cuisine.

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