Inici » Caixa Ontinyent and its commitment to sustainability

Caixa Ontinyent and its commitment to sustainability

un grup de persones dempeus en un camp amb una planta verda al mig de la imatge i un edifici al fons, Arthur Sarkissian, David Lazar, una foto d'estoc, incoherents

Caixa Ontinyent: A benchmark in sustainability

Caixa Ontinyent, a financial institution committed to sustainability, has reaffirmed its commitment on World Environment Day. With a comprehensive approach, the entity has established a series of measures to strengthen its environmental management, assess the social and economic impact of its activities and launch a new program through the Caixa Ontinyent Foundation.

Responsible environmental management

Caixa Ontinyent has adopted a proactive attitude in environmental management, going beyond compliance with current legislation. The entity has implemented measures to promote responsible purchases and consumption, improve energy efficiency, properly manage waste and encourage a transition towards a more circular economy.

Evaluation of the social and economic impact

Caixa Ontinyent aims to evaluate the social and economic impact of its investments. The entity supports projects that are respectful of the environment and that contribute to the fight against climate change. Through a rigorous evaluation, Caixa Ontinyent seeks to promote sustainable finance and favor initiatives that generate a positive impact on society.

Sustainability program

The Caixa Ontinyent Foundation has launched a new sustainability program. This program provides training, information, outreach and awareness on issues related to sustainability. Through face-to-face and online courses, workshops and training sessions, the organization seeks to promote greater awareness and action in the community.

Commitment to society and the future

Caixa Ontinyent not only assumes its institutional responsibilities, but aspires to be an agent of change. The organization invites all people, companies and entities to join the effort to build a more sustainable and equitable future. With an attitude of responsibility and innovation, Caixa Ontinyent implements initiatives that benefit its customers, employees and society in general.

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