Inici » CampingPalestineUV: a forceful denunciation of genocide

CampingPalestineUV: a forceful denunciation of genocide


A show of internationalist solidarity

The CampingPalestinaUV is an initiative made up of several collectives, unions, students and teachers. Last April 29, we decided to join the growing global mobilization taking place on college campuses around the world. Thus, we became the first camp in the Catalan Countries, setting a precedent that is spreading to other universities in Spain. Our purpose is to show international solidarity with the Palestinian people and denounce the genocide perpetrated by the State of Israel.

Working for justice and outreach

During these days, we spend our time working and organizing political activities to exert pressure. We also carry out various cultural outreach and awareness activities on the Palestinian cause. We want all participants to be able to train and spread the message beyond the camping space.

Demanding the breaking of collaborations

We are aware that the University of Valencia maintains relationships with companies and institutions that finance and support Israel’s genocidal regime, such as HP, Aigua Eden, Banco Santander, AXA, among others. For this reason, we occupy our university to demand the end of these collaborations. We do not want any more murders of Palestinians to be committed in our name or with our complicity. Therefore, we call for the severance of all relations with companies and institutions that collaborate with apartheid and the genocide of the Palestinian people.

Solidarity with the Palestinian university community

The camping is also a show of solidarity towards the Palestinian university community. Faced with the bombings suffered by all universities in Gaza, we consider it necessary to establish agreements and collaborations with Palestinian universities to strengthen and rebuild the educational system in Palestine. In addition, we demand a clear and firm commitment in writing not to sign any agreement or agreement with Israeli institutions, until the crimes against humanity committed by Israel against the Palestinian people and the systematic violation of human rights cease.

Resisting and rejecting repression

We are outraged by the images of repression that come from other university camps. But instead of scaring us, these images give us more strength to continue the fight until all our demands are met. We consider it necessary to break relations with the institutions that repress the student movements of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

International support and connection

During this time, we have received constant displays of support from trade unions, social movements and student organisations. In addition, the international connection between campuses mobilized for Palestine has allowed the movement to grow exponentially. This same week, we have been joined by colleagues from Alicante, Barcelona, ​​Euskal Herria and Madrid, among others, who have started to occupy their spaces.

The lack of involvement of the University of Valencia

We want to highlight the lack of involvement of the University of Valencia. The dean’s office of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, where we are camped, has not wanted to establish communication with us, except to deal with technical issues and referring to a possible police intervention. In addition, from the rectory they continue to ignore our demands and propose forms of contact that do not respect the sovereignty of the assembly.

We will not give up until we reach a compromise

We understand that the support we receive demonstrates the will to end this Zionist colonial regime in Palestine. Therefore, we will not abandon our position until we receive a permanent and indefinite commitment from the rectorship of our university against Zionism and the severing of its relations with companies complicit in Israel.

Long live free Palestine!

In short, the CampingPalestinaUV is a show of internationalist solidarity with the Palestinian people and a forceful denunciation of the genocide that the State of Israel is perpetrating. We work for justice, disclosure and breaking of partnerships with companies and institutions that support apartheid and genocide. We also show solidarity with the Palestinian university community and reject repression. With the support and international connection, we continue to fight until we get a permanent and indefinite commitment from the University of Valencia. Long live free Palestine!

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