Inici » Carlos Mazón is committed to promoting dialogue and unblocking the institutions in the Valencian Community

Carlos Mazón is committed to promoting dialogue and unblocking the institutions in the Valencian Community


A new approach to dialogue and institutional advancement

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, has expressed his commitment to starting a stage of continuous dialogue in the Valencian Community after his meeting with the general secretary of the PSPV, Diana Morant. In this sense, he has offered his willingness to unblock Valencian institutions and promote progress in self-government.

Mazón has emphasized the importance of establishing a constructive front on fundamental issues for the region, such as regional financing, water, state investments and the equalization fund. He highlighted the need to put aside confrontation and work for the benefit of citizens, seeking agreements that promote economic and social development.

A call for collaboration and the search for solutions

The president of the Generalitat has stressed his willingness to maintain a permanent dialogue with the socialist leader, recognizing the existence of meeting points despite the differences. He has highlighted the importance of forging meaningful alliances both nationally and on internal issues that concern Valencians.

In relation to the issue of water, Mazón has requested a rigorous and apolitical approach, inviting the PSPV to join the Water Table of the Valencian Community to address the scarcity of water resources objectively and seek effective solutions.

Call to break with Vox and perspective of the PSPV-PSOE

Diana Morant, general secretary of the PSPV-PSOE, has urged Carlos Mazón to distance himself from the extreme right, pointing out that it would be positive if he were the first regional president to break with this formation. Morant has emphasized that the agreements with Mazón have focused on the need for democratic regeneration, but she has expressed her desire for him to distance himself from Vox for the good of Valencians.

Regarding the support of the PSPV-PSOE, Morant has indicated that they would be willing to support Mazón in various aspects, as long as their focus is not to repeal the current government. Furthermore, he recalled the minority situation of the Government of Spain and its search for agreements with other groups.

Morant has also shared a symbolic gesture by giving Mazón the book ‘El abismo del olvido’, by Paco Roca, as a representation of the history of the town and the importance of not repeating certain episodes of the past.

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