Inici » Change of mayor in Puigverd de Lleida after motion of censure

Change of mayor in Puigverd de Lleida after motion of censure

un home amb vestit i corbata de peu en un podi davant d'un grup de persones amb vestit, Arthur Sarkissian, David Lazar, una foto microscòpica, regionalisme

A new stage for Puigverd de Lleida

The Plenum of the Puigverd de Lleida City Council has approved a motion of censure to remove the mayor Josep Solsona, who had been suspended from militancy by Junts due to a judicial investigation for gender violence and sexual assault on a minor. The motion was supported by 7 of the 9 councilors of the council, including members of Junts, ERC and PSC, and received only two votes against, those of Solsona himself and another Junts member. As a result, Ăšrsula Barrufet from Junts per Catalunya has taken over as the new mayor, committing to act with transparency and dialogue to overcome the obstacles in the municipality.

Reactions and speeches

After being invested as the new mayoress, Barrufet expressed her determination to deal with the unexpected situation, while wishing Solsona that everything goes well. On the other hand, Solsona regretted the mix of personal issues with politics that led him to this situation, while wishing him luck in the new stage. The head of the ERC opposition, Sandra BarberĂ , recalled Solsona’s arrival as mayor in 2019 following a motion of no confidence against her, criticizing her behavior and the current situation of the town.

Arrest and judicial situation of Solsona

Solsona was arrested accused of gender violence and sexual assault on a minor, for which he was suspended from militancy by Junts. After testifying before the judge, he was provisionally released, but remains under investigation in several crimes. This situation led to his medical leave until he was finally removed from the position of mayor.

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