Inici » Changes to the allowance for over 45s

Changes to the allowance for over 45s

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The State Public Employment Service announces changes to the allowance for over 45s

The Public State Employment Service (SEPE) has announced that, from the month of June, there will be significant changes in the allowance for people over 45 who are unemployed. These modifications aim to improve the conditions and advantages for the unemployed of this group.

Subsidy for insufficient contributions and exhaustion of the benefit due to unemployment

One of the main novelties is that the allowance for the unemployed between the ages of 45 and 52 will be included in the allowance for insufficient contributions and in the allowance for running out of unemployment benefits. This means that this group will be able to benefit from various improvements and advantages, such as the possibility of collecting the allowance while they are working.

In addition, with these changes, the Active Insertion Income, which until now benefited the long-term unemployed over 45, will disappear, as well as the allowance for this age group with family burdens.

Requirements to collect the subsidy

In order to be able to access this 570 euro aid from the SEPE, those interested must meet several requirements. One of the most important requirements is to demonstrate a lack of income, as well as being unemployed and registered as a job seeker during the period in which the allowance is collected. You must also subscribe to an activity commitment and not have reached the legal retirement age.

Subsidy amount after changes

Another important innovation is the increase in the amount of the subsidy during the first year. Thus, the unemployed aged 45 to 52 will be able to receive 570 euros during the first 6 months, which represents 110% of the IPREM. After this period, the amount will drop to 540 euros during the following 6 months (90% of the IPREM), and from the year onwards, it will be fixed at 480 euros (80% of the IPREM). This amount will be maintained until the allowance is used up.

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