Inici » Charity concert at the Poblet monastery for the victims of the disaster

Charity concert at the Poblet monastery for the victims of the disaster

Una escena impresionante se desarrolla en el Monasterio de Poblet durante el X Festival Internacional de Órgano. El sol del atardecer arroja un cálido resplandor sobre las históricas paredes de piedra mientras los asistentes se reúnen para el concierto benéfico dedicado a las víctimas de las recientes inundaciones. En el interior, la gran basílica resuena con la poderosa música del órgano tocado por el organista alemán Martin Sturm. El aire se llena de una mezcla de melodías barrocas, románticas y del siglo XX, creando una mezcla armoniosa de épocas musicales. A medida que Sturm supera los límites de este órgano único, el público se ve cautivado por el contraste entre composiciones estructuradas e improvisaciones libres. La atmósfera es solemne pero alentadora, mientras las notas bailan por el aire, transmitiendo emociones que trascienden el tiempo y el espacio. Este evento marca la culminación de una década de actuaciones de órgano excepcionales en Poblet, consolidando su reputación como un destino de primer

An act of solidarity with the victims

The Poblet monastery will become a scene of compassion and hope this Saturday, November 9 at 8:45 p.m. As part of the X International Organ Festival, a charity concert dedicated to the people affected by the recent floods caused by the dam will be held. Funds raised, along with donations from attendees, will go towards helping those who have suffered the consequences of this tragedy through Caritas.

A captivating musical program

The German organist Martin Sturm has designed an exceptional musical program for this occasion. Entitled ‘Idyll and Hell’, the concert will include works by masters from different eras, such as Kerll and Cabanilles from the 17th century, to composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Franz Schubert and Max Reger from the 20th century. Sturm will explore the sonic capabilities of the Metzler organ, a jewel located in St. Mary’s Basilica.

A journey through musical time

In the words of the performer, his musical selection ‘moves between the centuries, between extreme contrasts and between written music and free improvisation’. The program includes Kerll/Cabanilles’ Baroque Battle and Reger’s fantasy Inferno, a work that was born in the context of the First World War. Next, Bach’s iconic Passacaglia, which makes the most of the sonic possibilities of the Baroque organ, will be combined with Schubert’s Musical Moments, which, according to Sturm, ‘seem to come from another world’.

Improvisations and tributes

During the concert, Sturm will also offer improvisations that will explore themes of nature and the limits of the organ’s sound. The concert will culminate with a great symphonic improvisation in honor of the composer Anton Bruckner, who celebrates his bicentenary this year. This moment promises to be a tribute to his mastery as a composer and organ improviser.

A festival of international prestige

With this concert, the tenth edition of the Poblet International Organ Festival closes, which has become a benchmark for its quality programming and the presence of renowned international organists. In this edition, talents such as Leonardo Carrieri and Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas have participated, joining a list of more than thirty performers who have performed at the monastery since the inauguration of the Metzler organ.

The Metzler organ: a versatile instrument

The Metzler de Poblet organ is not only an instrument designed to perform German and French Baroque music, but its versatility allows it to accommodate a wide range of repertoire, including works of Romanticism and even contemporary music. This singularity positions it as an essential instrument for organ music, expanding its interpretive possibilities.

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