Inici » Christmas gifts for children in vulnerable situations

Christmas gifts for children in vulnerable situations

Dos mil ochocientos niños y jóvenes que acuden cada día a los centros socioeducativos dirigidos a familias vulnerables han podido disfrutar de la ilusión de esta Navidad gracias a la Fundación Pere Tarrés. La entidad, consciente de que todos los niños deben poder disfrutar cada año de la ilusión de los regalos navideños, ha reactivado su campaña “Transforma el seu Nadal”, que ha permitido repartir juegos, juguetes y material educativo entre los centros participantes. La campaña ha recaudado(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

The magic of Christmas reaches 2,800 children

The Pere Tarrés Foundation has brought smiles to thousands of children and adolescents who attend socio-educational centers, offering them an unforgettable Christmas experience. With the ‘Transform your Christmas’ campaign, the organization has distributed toys, games and educational materials to families in vulnerable situations, ensuring that every child can experience the excitement of receiving gifts during these holidays.

A collective effort to make wishes come true

With the aim of ensuring that all children enjoy a Christmas full of magic, the foundation has mobilized a large amount of resources, both from individuals and companies. These have sponsored the letters to the Kings, which the children have written with the help of the educators of the centers, expressing their wishes for toys and materials necessary for their activities.

Letters with various needs

Each center has drawn up its list based on its particular needs. The smaller centers have requested around 25 gifts, with an average budget of 600 euros, while the larger centers have drawn up lists of up to 75 gifts, with costs exceeding 1,800 euros.

Carefully wrapped gifts

Once the toys and materials arrived, educators spent time wrapping the gifts in gift paper, adding a special touch to their delivery. Each center chose its own method for doing this: some organized pre-holiday activities, while others waited until after the holidays to distribute the gifts.

A prominent example

One of the most unique cases has been that of the Day Care Service for Children in Cambrils, where the educators have decided to bring the gifts directly to the children at their homes, creating a personalized moment of surprise and joy.

Impact on the community

The campaign has had the collaboration of 29 donors who have sponsored the letters of 37 centers in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, benefiting more than 2,800 children during the school year. This figure remains stable compared to previous years, reflecting the positive impact of these initiatives.

A commitment to the future

The Pere Tarrés Foundation manages a network of 92 socio-educational centers where learning opportunities are provided to more than 6,000 children every afternoon. Its goal is for all children to have access to educational resources and emotional support, helping them to grow in a healthy and balanced way.

Solidarity beyond Christmas

In addition to this Christmas campaign, the Foundation has launched another initiative to support the victims of the floods in Valencia, collecting games and camping equipment for the Juniors Moviment Diocesà leisure federation, which has been greatly affected by the floods last October.

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