Inici » Concern for the state of the old Fantasio cinema in Sóller

Concern for the state of the old Fantasio cinema in Sóller

un edifici amb teulada arrencada i reformada amb teulada de fusta i coberta metàl·lica, Edi Rama, vista aèria, renderització digital, constructivisme

Aerial images and video show the poor condition of the deck

The images and an aerial video showing the worrying worsening of the poor condition of the roof of the old Fantasio cinema and an apparent risk of the roof collapsing have caused concern in Sóller. These images have spread quickly through social media, creating social alarm and making the possibility of losing a new public space an immediate concern for the community. This situation is added to the other open fronts that already exist in Sóller, such as the Defensora disaster, the state of the Hospice building, the closure of the Escolàpies and the state of rubble of one of the buildings of the slaughterhouse

The need for immediate intervention

Several architects and members of the Defensora platform have highlighted the need for immediate intervention to prevent the roof of the old Fantasio cinema from collapsing. The pictures show holes and openings in the roof, some of them already existing for a few years and others more recent. Through social networks, the platform has publicly denounced this situation and asked the City Council to act quickly to avoid a possible disaster.

Prior warnings and lack of action

It should be noted that the municipal technicians already warned in 2020 about the poor condition of the building and the need for urgent action on the roof to avoid landslides and possible accidents in the street. Unfortunately, no action has been taken to fix this issue to date.

Economic evaluation and future of Fantasio cinema

The Councilor for Heritage and Urban Planning, Juanan Lorente, has stated that an economic assessment is being made of the cost of the necessary repairs for the roof of the old Fantasio cinema. Work is also underway to stop the degradation of the building. Regarding the future of cinema, no decision has yet been made, but the relevant arrangements are being made in the area of ​​heritage. At the moment, the main objective is to carry out an emergency action to ensure the safety of the building.

History and current situation of the old Fantasio cinema

The former Fantasio cinema became municipal property in 2004, but has been in a constant state of disrepair ever since. Despite several attempts to sell and proposals for rehabilitation, the building has been abandoned and degraded. Recently, a collective linked to the world of cinema showed interest in this space, but the restoration costs are high.

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