Inici » Control of vehicle entry to the island of Ibiza for tourism sustainability

Control of vehicle entry to the island of Ibiza for tourism sustainability


The Council of Ibiza approves a law to control the entry of vehicles

The plenary session of the Ibiza Council has approved, in an extraordinary and urgent session, to submit to Parliament the proposal for a law to control the entry of vehicles to the island of Ibiza for “tourism sustainability”.

An initiative to improve the environment and the quality of life

This legislative initiative is the result of many months of work, meetings, consultations and studies that support the need to take measures for certain months of the year. The aim is to regulate the influx of tourists with measures that improve the environment, the quality of life of the population and the preservation of the image and sustainability of the island of Ibiza.

A worrying increase in the number of vehicles

Studies show that between 2001 and 2022 the number of vehicles arriving on the island of Ibiza has quadrupled, from 51,000 to almost 207,000. In addition, in 2019, during the months of July and August, 28,923 vehicles entered, while in 2023 this figure exceeded 48,000.

Content of the vehicle entry control law

The law consists of 22 articles, five additional provisions, three final provisions and a single repealing provision. The articles set out specific measures for the environmental and socio-economic sustainability of the island, regulate the periods and limitations of entry, and include exceptions to guarantee mobility between the islands of Ibiza and Formentera. The Insular Council of Ibiza will have the power to set the vehicle ceiling annually or every two years. The law also provides for an action plan for the sustainability of the island of Ibiza and a sanctioning regime in case of non-compliance with the established measures.

Thanks and support

The president of the Council, Vicent Marí, has thanked all the people, entities and administrations that have participated in the drafting of this legislative proposal. He also highlighted the support of the social majority of Ibizan citizens and thanked the amendments presented by Unides Podemos and the Socialist Party to achieve the maximum possible consensus.

Presence of bailiffs and importance of the law

President Marí has ​​valued the presence of the bailiffs of the island of Ibiza and other institutional representatives as a demonstration of the importance and commitment of all institutions to the approval of this law.

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