Inici » Controversy at the 2023 Renaissance Festival

Controversy at the 2023 Renaissance Festival

un grup de persones disfressades en un carrer amb una multitud mirant-los al fons i una dona amb un micròfon, Carlo Carrà, medieval, una foto, antípodes

Conflict in the celebration

This year’s Renaissance Festival has culminated in an intense controversy that has revolved around the Standard Bearers of the Colla Jove de Dulzaineros. This group had proclaimed their intention to carry out a performance in the Plaza del Ápside, an action that was not officially scheduled. As a result, the City Council was forced to agree to a joint event in collaboration with the Standard Bearers and various local groups and companies.

Excess time and reactions

However, the Abanderados exceeded the previously stipulated performance time, which led the other groups to decide to withdraw without having been able to delight the public with their performances. To make matters worse, a speech given by the Junts per Tortosa councilor and former head of the Renaissance Festival, Domingo Tomás, generated even more divisions among those attending in the Plaza del Ápside.

Mayor’s comments

The mayor of Tortosa, Jordi Jordan, was quick to describe the events as “regrettable”, stating that they had created a “shameful” image for the closing of the celebration in the Plaza del Ápside. According to Jordan, the action of Junts per Tortosa translated into an attempt to unpack the event after the resounding success of this year’s Renaissance. He recalled that this same formation had already tried to disrupt other festivities, such as the Ribbon celebrations in 2023, the town festivals and the recent Three Kings Parade.

Official statements

Jordan also rejected the final speech of Councilman Domingo Tomás, who had been director of the Renaissance Festival during past administrations. For this reason, the mayor reaffirmed the City Council’s support for all groups, entities, companies and groups involved in the Renaissance Festival.

Positions of those involved

Subsequently, both the Tortosa City Council and Junts per Tortosa issued statements to the press to evaluate the events. The former mayor’s formation denied any involvement in the controversy, emphasizing that neither the Colla Jove nor the Abanderados represent cultural entities with their “own personality” that decided to act after feeling excluded from the celebration. In their statement, they stated that it is the mayor who “politicizes” the entities by deciding to eliminate the Standard Bearers from the main event without justification. Furthermore, they argued that “blaming the opposition does not solve the problems of an organization that did not fulfill its obligations.” Finally, Junts per Tortosa called on the government team to cultivate better relationships with the entities involved, in order to prevent similar situations in the future.

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