Inici » Debate on the Reform of Territorial Financing in the Spanish State

Debate on the Reform of Territorial Financing in the Spanish State

un home amb vestit i corbata dempeus al podi d'una habitació amb altres homes amb vestit i corbata, Beta Vukanović, en el focus, una foto microscòpica, regionalisme

The Context of the Debate

The debate for the reform of the territorial financing of the State, with the Catalan claim of fiscal sovereignty at the center, has gained momentum in recent weeks. The territorial barons of the Popular Party, including the Mancheque Garcia Page, and even regional parties such as the Aragonese Chunta, have been on the offensive. The unique financing proposal, central to the program of the current Government and the Republican Left, faces key meetings, especially in the Congress of Deputies.

Reactions to the Debate

In the next control session of the Spanish executive, the parliamentary groups of the opposition have registered questions to both the President Pedro Sánchez and the First Vice-President and Minister of Finance Maria Jesús Montero in this regard. The questioning of Moncloa comes after Sanchez gave, in a recent interview, as “feasible” a unique financing for Catalonia, even within a framework of comprehensive reform of the system of distribution of resources in the State.

Right and Left Positions

Popular deputy Elías Bendodo will question the executive “how it plans to guarantee compliance with Article 138 of the Constitution”, while Cuca Gamarra, from the same party, will question whether “he believes that the government’s policies guarantee equality between Spaniards “. From Esquerra Republicana, they will question the Minister of Finance if she considers that “Catalonia has a fair financing model”.

Other Movements in Congress

The Galician Nationalist Bloc will seek to measure Moncloa’s willingness to extend the tax reform offers to other territories. In this sense, he will ask Sánchez if “he is willing to promote the self-government of Galicia”, with issues such as debt forgiveness or “a fair financing system”.

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