Inici » Discover new ways to prepare cucumber this summer

Discover new ways to prepare cucumber this summer

un bol de cogombres amb gotes d'aigua sobre una taula, amb un fons blanc, Andries Stock, verd, una foto d'estoc, superplana

The cucumber: a versatile and refreshing fruit

Cucumber is a very refreshing fruit that can be used in various ways in the preparation of dishes during the summer. This seasonal summer food offers several options for its preparation, whether raw, cooked or pickled, and can add a refreshing and tasty touch to your summer recipes.

Cucumber varieties for different recipes

Cucumber is similar to other fruits such as melon, watermelon, squash or pumpkin, with a hard outer skin and a juicy interior. There are several varieties of cucumber, such as the French, ideal for gazpacho recipes, with a smoother and darker skin, or the Japanese, English and other classifications according to size. The variety of cucumber you have on hand can be used to prepare delicious pickled dishes, offering great versatility to your culinary options.

Pickled cucumber recipe

Necessary ingredients

To prepare a delicious pickled cucumber, you will need the following ingredients:

– 2 cucumbers

– 1 onion

– 2 tablespoons of grain mustard

– 2 bay leaves

– Vinegar by Pedro Ximenes

– Sal

– Sucre (optional)

Step by step

To start, clean the cucumbers well and cut them according to your preference. You can slice them whole, in half, into quarters, or even into smaller pieces. Let them drain for a while and, in the meantime, boil the vinegar diluted in water. Once the cucumbers are drained, place them in canning jars and add any aromatics you prefer, such as bay leaf, onion and mustard. Finally, add the vinegar and water to the jars and, if you wish, a little sugar. Cover the jars and let them come to room temperature before storing them in the fridge to enjoy them in a few days.

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