Inici » Education, culture and current affairs in the pages of the new ‘Grat’

Education, culture and current affairs in the pages of the new ‘Grat’

un gran grup de persones dempeus en un carrer al costat d'edificis i una torre del rellotge al fons amb un marc vermell, Bholekar Srihari, jayison devadas, un trencaclosques, samikshavad

A look at the educational field

In this edition of the newspaper ‘Grat’, number 759, we bring you the latest news and current events in the educational field. We have focused on getting to know the educational offer of several institutions such as the Alcoi Campus of the UPV, the Gandia Campus of the UPV, the Ontinyent Campus of the UV, Oròsia Silvestre and IES Pare Arques. In addition, we have interviewed some of those affected by the strike that took place last May 23, in order to find out the reasons behind this action. We also had the opportunity to speak with Eduard Corbí, one of the directors of EASD d’Alcoi, to celebrate the school’s 50th anniversary.

Culture and festivals in the North Zone

In addition to the educational field, in this edition of ‘Grat’ you will also find reports on culture and the festivals of the North Zone. We interviewed the new president of the Association of Residents and we inform you of the entire program of activities prepared for these days.

Other featured content

In addition to the topics mentioned, this issue of ‘Grat’ includes a report on Alfons Olmo, singer of VerdCel, and an interview with Teresa Sanjuan, councilor for Transició Ecològica. You will also find the Art&Culture supplement and the La Veu dels Llibres supplement. And, as always, let’s not forget the current affairs of the central Valencian regions.

If you want to read the previous edition of El Grat in digital format, you can do so by clicking on this link.

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