Inici » Essential Help for Renting Youth: The New Housing Support Voucher

Essential Help for Renting Youth: The New Housing Support Voucher


An Opportunity for Young People

The state administration presents a new initiative, the Youth Housing Allowance, a benefit designed to help young people aged 18 to 35 cope with the costs of renting their home. This measure, which is being put in place to financially support young people in their transition to independent life, offers a monthly aid of 250 euros for a maximum period of two years.

Requirements and Benefits

Beneficiaries of this bonus can receive a total of 6,000 euros if they meet the requirements during the established period. It is essential that applicants do not exceed the maximum income set for this benefit, which is equivalent to three times the public indicator of income of multiple effects (IPREM) established for 2024, located at 7,200 euros per year.

Declaration and Processing

It is important to bear in mind that the housing support voucher must be declared in Income. The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) warns beneficiaries about the need to declare this aid as a capital gain. This declaration must be made through box 0303, specified as ‘Equity Gains and Losses’. It is likely that this amount is already predefined in the applicant’s tax data.

Income Declaration Procedure

Beneficiaries must consider several factors in the Income declaration process. If they have received more than 1,000 euros in aid during the fiscal year, they are obliged to present the declaration. In addition, any amount received, whether from the rent voucher or other public aid, must be declared if it exceeds this limit. The deadline for submitting the income statement ends on July 1.

Processing Modalities

The income statement can be completed both online and in person. From May 7, assistance is offered by telephone from the Tax Agency. In addition, from June 3, you can choose to do it in person at the corresponding offices. Whichever path is chosen, it is crucial to comply with the established deadlines to avoid possible penalties or delays in the process.

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