Inici » Extension of the Felip Pedrell Auditorium Theater in Tortosa

Extension of the Felip Pedrell Auditorium Theater in Tortosa

un gran auditori amb un sostre de fusta i una filera de seients al davant i una pantalla de projector, David Chipperfield, sostre obert, un barroc flamenc, constructivisme modular

An expected and necessary work

A few days ago, in Tortosa, work began on the extension of the Felip Pedrell Auditorium Theatre. This is a work that has been claimed for years and Junts per Tortosa has worked tirelessly to make it a reality.

After waiting more than 4 years, Tortosa will finally have a third room at the Teatre Auditori Felip Pedrell. This action is particularly important, since it was promoted from the first moment the mayoress took office. In the past, the expansion project was rejected on two occasions by the Movem and ERC groups, as well as by the CUP. Fortunately, things have changed and it is now a reality.

A space for culture and activities

Tortosa has become a cultural reference in the region, with a stable program and the consolidation of festivals. However, the city’s cultural activity requires additional spaces for new formats and to host congresses and specialized forums. In addition, the organizations, associations and schools of Tortosa generate a large amount of activities throughout the year, so it is necessary to have new spaces for this volume of activity.

After the extension of the Auditorium was rejected on two occasions, the necessary resources have been obtained to carry out this work. 2.5 million euros have been obtained from the General State Budgets for 2023 and a subsidy of 950,000 euros from the Provincial Council of Tarragona. This investment will make it possible to improve the current large room of the Auditorium, as well as build a new hall and access.

A step forward for Tortosa

After 11 months of delay, the expansion works of the Felip Pedrell Auditorium Theater have finally begun. Despite the delays and difficulties, this expansion is great news for Tortosa. The city needed a third room of medium capacity for cultural, conference and social activities. This work will allow Tortosa to continue bringing a quality cultural activity.

Despite the obstacles and changes in government, Tortosa has managed to go ahead with this long-awaited expansion. It is a step forward for culture and for the city in general. With this work, the Felip Pedrell Auditorium Theater will be modernized and become a more suitable space for the city’s cultural activities.

In summary, the expansion of the Felip Pedrell Auditorium Theater in Tortosa is a long-awaited and necessary project. After several years of demand and work, this expansion is becoming a reality and will allow Tortosa to have a more suitable space for the city’s cultural and social activities.

^MERITXELL ROIGÉ PEDROLA is spokesperson for the Junts per Tortosa municipal group.

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