Inici » Felipe and Letizia: Weekend in Oviedo

Felipe and Letizia: Weekend in Oviedo

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A weekend in Oviedo

Recently, there has been speculation about the celebration of Felipe and Letizia’s 20th wedding anniversary in Asturias, but the reality is different. During the weekend, the kings were in Oviedo for an institutional commitment that had been on their royal agenda for weeks.

The reason for their presence in Oviedo was Armed Forces Day, an event in which they witnessed the display of members of the three Armies and the Civil Guard. Despite speculation, there was no public celebration last Wednesday, May 22, and the kings showed themselves with gestures of love to settle any type of rumor.

Individual presence

It is important to note that Felipe slept alone in GijĂłn the night before the event, while Letizia arrived the same Saturday. Despite expectations, no photographs of the two dining together at any restaurant in the city have been released, nor have they been seen walking or participating in public activities together.

After the event, the monarchs disappeared completely, maintaining a discreet posture and away from media exposure.

Relationship and commitments

Despite speculation, Felipe and Letizia have shown gestures of love to settle any type of rumor. According to sources, they maintain a good friendship and are aware of the agreement they signed before getting engaged.

Regarding the claims about the marriage, any farce has been denied, and it has been reaffirmed that the commitment between Felipe and Letizia is genuine.

Life after the event

After the weekend in Oviedo, the kings had no more commitments and decided to return to Madrid. There, they resumed their individual activities, maintaining a separate life, as is usual in their daily routine.

In summary, the weekend in Oviedo was marked by an institutional commitment, with no place for public celebrations, and the kings maintained a discreet stance, away from media exposure.

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