Inici » Historic victory of the National Rally in the French legislative elections

Historic victory of the National Rally in the French legislative elections

una dona amb vestit saluda a una multitud de persones en un edifici amb una bandera al fons, Évariste Vital Luminais, foto real, una foto, vorticisme

A historic and worrying milestone

The resounding victory of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN) in France last Sunday marks a historic milestone and, at the same time, generates concern. For the first time, the far right has achieved victory in a French legislative election, representing a significant change in the country’s political landscape.

Results and consequences

The left-wing group led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon has obtained second position, standing out against other options in several duels to face Le Pen’s candidates. On the other hand, the big loser of the night was Emmanuel Macron, whose decision to dissolve the National Assembly and call a general election resulted in a crushing defeat.

The historic electoral turnout in the first round has given significant moral validity to the result, calling Macron’s political future into question. With his third place and 20% of the votes, his political situation is uncertain, and the prospects for the second round are not favorable for him.

The possible scenario of an absolute majority of the National Rally in the National Assembly or a blockade to govern poses significant challenges for France, generating uncertainty about the country’s political future.

Challenges and calls to action

The possibility of a government program between the New Popular Front and the presidential majority is uncertain, as is the response of voters to the call to vote for the candidate best placed to stop the advance of the extreme right.

The rise of the National Rally reflects a decline in fear of the far right in broad layers of French society, posing challenges for the left and Macron’s supporters in electing their representatives in the second round.

With only six days left until the second round, Macron and Mélenchon have launched messages in an attempt to mobilize their followers. Despite the uncertainty, there is minimal hope for change in this challenging situation.

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