Inici » How to make a delicious ripe banana ice cream

How to make a delicious ripe banana ice cream

un bol de plàtans i una pell de plàtan sobre una estovalla amb una taula de fusta i un plàtan, Boetius Adamsz Bolswert, fotografia d'aliments professional, una foto d'estoc, rococó


Bananas are one of the most versatile and nutritious fruits that we can have at home. However, they have a relatively short shelf life and tend to mature quickly. When a banana is about to go overboard, there is no need to reject it. In fact, a very ripe banana is ideal for making a delicious and healthy ice cream, making the most of its natural sugars and soft texture. Next, I explain how to turn a ripe banana into exquisite homemade ice cream in just a few steps.

Ingredients and preparation

To make banana ice cream, you only need a couple of basic ingredients and a little time. The basic recipe requires:


– 2 very ripe bananas
– 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
– 2 tablespoons of milk or vegetable drink (optional, to adjust the creaminess)

Step 1: freeze the bananas
The first step to making banana ice cream is to freeze the fruit. Peel the ripe bananas and cut them into slices. Place the slices on a tray or plate, making sure they do not touch each other to prevent them from getting stuck. Put the tray in the freezer for at least 2-3 hours, or until the slices are completely frozen.

Step 2: mash the frozen bananas
Once the banana slices are frozen, place them in a food processor or powerful blender. Add vanilla extract for an extra touch of flavor, if desired. Mash the bananas until you obtain a smooth and creamy mixture. You may need to stop and scrape the sides of the bowl from time to time to ensure all the slices are mixed evenly. If the mixture is too thick, you can add one or two tablespoons of milk or vegetable drink to facilitate the process.

Step 3: Adjust the texture and serve

Once the mixture has a smooth and creamy consistency, you can taste it and adjust the flavor to your preference. If you want a smoother texture, add a dash more milk and blend again. For a sweeter version, you can stir in a teaspoon of honey or agave syrup.

Serve the ice cream immediately to enjoy a texture similar to soft serve. If you prefer a firmer ice cream, transfer the mixture to an airtight container and freeze for at least an hour before serving. This will give it a consistency closer to traditional ice cream.

Variations and additions

One of the great advantages of banana ice cream is its versatility. You can customize it in many ways to suit your tastes. Some ideas include:

– Add cocoa powder: for a healthy chocolate ice cream, add one or two tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder before mashing the bananas.

– Incorporate additional fruits: mix frozen strawberries, blueberries or mango to create a mixed fruit ice cream.

– Add dried fruit or chocolate chips: Once the ice cream is creamy, mix chopped nuts, almonds, or chocolate chips by hand to give it a crunchy texture.


Turning an overcooked banana into delicious ice cream is a great way to reduce food waste and enjoy healthy desserts. With just a few ingredients and simple steps, you can create a nutritious alternative to traditional ice cream that the whole family will love. Plus, the customization possibilities are endless, allowing you to experiment with different flavors and additions to find your perfect combination.

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