Inici » Information campaign about traffic in Tortosa

Information campaign about traffic in Tortosa

un rètol vermell assegut al costat d'una carretera al costat d'un rètol de carrer en una vorera prop d'un edifici, Coppo di Marcovaldo, robots, una foto d'estoc, panfuturisme

The obligation to get off the bicycle or scooter in signposted areas

Tortosa City Council has launched an information campaign to remind citizens of the obligation to get off their bicycles or scooters and walk in the marked areas of the shopping center and the old town. This measure aims to guarantee safety and coexistence between pedestrians and cyclists or skaters. In total, 13 signs have been installed on the access streets to these areas.

Restriction hours and penalties for non-compliance

The bicycle or scooter circulation restriction applies from Monday to Saturday, during business hours, from 9.30am to 1pm and from 4.30pm to 8.30pm. Failure to comply with this regulation may result in fines of up to 100 euros, according to the municipal traffic ordinance.

Collaboration with entities and associations

The mayor of Tortosa, Jordi Jordan, and the councilor for Mobility, Francesc Vallespí, have highlighted the importance of collaboration with the Association of Merchants and the Association of Neighbors of the Center and Historic Center, as well as with the col · Me Moc en Bici group, to promote civility and traffic safety.

Information campaign and distribution of leaflets

The information campaign is being carried out by civic agents, who have started distributing information leaflets to the public. These leaflets remind you of the prohibitions and penalties established, such as the obligation to walk in the pedestrian zone, the prohibition to ride on the sidewalk with a bicycle or scooter, and other safety rules.

Diversity of languages ​​and access points

The fact sheets are available in different languages, such as Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Romanian and Arabic, to ensure that everyone has access to the information. In addition, signs have been installed at different access points to the shopping center and old town of Tortosa, to clearly indicate the obligation to get off your bike or scooter and walk.

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