Inici » Leonor completes her first year of military training in Zaragoza

Leonor completes her first year of military training in Zaragoza

una dona amb uniforme davant d'altres homes amb uniforme davant d'arbres i arbustos, Eva Gonzalès, noia, una foto d'estoc, escola del Danubi

Leonor finishes her first year of military training

On July 3, Leonor will receive a decoration along with her colleagues, marking the closing of her first year of military training with the Army in Zaragoza. Following in the footsteps of her father, King Felipe VI, on his way to the throne of Spain, the princess will complete this course with a distinction from the Army. Subsequently, she will continue her training with the Marine Army in Pontevedra. Before starting this new stage, she will enjoy a well-deserved vacation in Zarzuela and Marivent, in addition to fulfilling her institutional commitments.

Leonor’s role in the Royal House

The Royal House has been under constant scrutiny, especially due to the controversies surrounding Juan Carlos I, generating unrest and reluctance among citizens. However, Leonor’s good performance seems to ensure the continuity of the monarchical institution in Spain. The princess, destined to inherit the throne in the future, must complete her military training, university studies, obtain a master’s degree and start a family, following ancient traditions for succession to the throne.

Reception of Leonor by the citizens

Leonor has won the affection of citizens, becoming the most beloved figure of the Spanish monarchy according to surveys. She is followed closely by her sister, Infanta Sofía, and by her father, Felipe VI. Citizens demand significant change in the Royal House, moving away from the legacy of the Bourbons. The emeritus, Juan Carlos I, is the least popular, with a rating of 3.2, while Queen Sofia is in a similar position to Queen Letizia.

Leonor’s performance in the military field

The military environment is very satisfied with Leonor’s presence and performance. Although she is evaluated differently than her classmates and she receives the highest decoration regardless of her grades, this does not negatively affect the other cadets. Her medal is considered to be well deserved, as she has proven to be one of the best in her class, even surpassing the grades obtained by Felipe VI in all academic subjects. Despite facing challenges in the physical tests, she has shown great effort and dedication in preparing for it, making this year the most difficult of her career.

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