Inici » Occupational Diseases: Epicondylitis and Hearing Loss in Euskadi

Occupational Diseases: Epicondylitis and Hearing Loss in Euskadi



Occupational diseases are a serious problem that affects workers around the world. In the Basque Country, ‘tennis elbow’ and hearing loss are the most common occupational diseases, which underlines the need to improve prevention and communication practices.

Increase in Reports of Occupational Diseases

In 2022, 469 communications of suspected occupational disease were issued in Euskadi, which represents an increase of 26% compared to 2021. The Osakidetza medical staff and the companies’ Prevention Services were the main notifiers.

More common diseases

Epicondylitis, also known as ‘tennis elbow’, was the most reported disease in 2022, with 80 reports. Other musculoskeletal diseases and carpal tunnel syndrome were also common.

Profile of Affected Workers

Industrial workers aged 50 to 64 years with hearing loss and service sector workers aged 30 to 49 years with musculoskeletal diseases are the most common profiles of affected workers.

Communication and Processing Process

The Osakidetza medical staff and the Prevention Services notify suspicions of occupational disease to Osalan, which investigates and refers the cases to the mutual societies that collaborate with Social Security.

Role of CCOO Euskadi

CCOO Euskadi has denounced the widespread non-compliance with the regulations on reporting occupational diseases, highlighting the importance of workers reminding health professionals and prevention services of their working conditions.

Improve Communication and Prevention

To improve communication and prevention of occupational diseases, it is essential that all stakeholders, including workers, employers, health professionals and prevention services, work closely together.

Worker Responsibilities

Workers must be informed about the health risks associated with their work and must inform their superiors of any symptoms or health problems they may be experiencing.

Employer Responsibilities

Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe and healthy work environment, including the assessment and control of health risks.

Responsibilities of Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals must be trained to recognize and diagnose occupational diseases and must work closely with prevention services to ensure that workers receive appropriate treatment and support.

Prevention Services Responsibilities

Prevention services are responsible for assessing health risks in the workplace, providing advice and training to workers and reporting suspected occupational diseases.


Occupational diseases are a serious problem that requires concerted action by all stakeholders. By improving communication, prevention and collaboration, we can create safer, healthier work environments for everyone.

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