Inici » One year after the municipal elections in Tortosa

One year after the municipal elections in Tortosa

tres tortugues assegudes a terra i una cara a l'altra amb el cap mirant i mirant la mateixa direcció, Apelles, fotografia animal, infografia, incoherents

A year of changes and gratitude

On May 28, one year has passed since the last municipal elections in Tortosa. In these elections, Junts per Tortosa received the support of 5,424 Tortosians, which represented 42.2% of the voters. This result allowed Junts per Tortosa to go from 7 to 10 councillors, remaining only 14 votes from the absolute majority. This milestone is spectacular and has only been achieved once before in Tortosa, with Ferran Bel’s absolute majority in 2011.

One year later, we want to once again thank the 5,424 tortoises who trusted Junts por Tortosa. Thanks to this support, the city has been able to continue its course of growth, modernity and transformation. Over the past few years, Tortosa has led these changes and created job opportunities, focusing on people and building a kinder and more sustainable city.

Results and recognition

In the past municipal elections, Junts per Tortosa was the group that won in all neighborhoods and towns, except in Campredó, where the results were also improved. In addition, Junts per Tortosa was the only political force that grew in number of votes, percentage and councillors. This recognition was the result of the work carried out during the previous term, which placed Tortosa in an optimal moment and boosted its development.

Despite this, other political forces with representation, such as Movem-PSC, ERC and the CUP, united to prevent Junts per Tortosa from continuing to govern. This decision went against the will expressed by the tortoises and tortoises at the polls. Nevertheless, the results of the elections were a recognition of the work done and demonstrated the support of the citizens for the policies of Together for Tortosa.

A year of work and commitment

During this year, the new tripartite government, with the support of the CUP, has tried to discredit Junts per Tortosa’s government action with lies and intoxication. However, Junts per Tortosa will not give up and will continue to work for the city from the opposition. Its commitment is to continue carrying out the work of control and supervision of the government, always defending the interests of the citizens of Tortosa.

Junts per Tortosa has demonstrated during this last year its rigor, determination and responsibility in the management of the city. We want to thank all the turtles and turtles once again for their trust and support. We will continue to work with the same commitment to continue making Tortosa a city in constant growth and improvement.

About the author

Domingo Tomàs Audi is councilor of Together for Tortosa.

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