Inici » Political parties, fans and platforms defend CD Alcoyano

Political parties, fans and platforms defend CD Alcoyano

un grup de persones assegudes a una taula signant papers i signant papers amb un micròfon al davant, Abdullah Gërguri, mitjans oficials, una foto, premsa privada

Union for the preservation of CD Alcoyano

Several political parties, fans and platforms have joined in defense of CD Alcoyano, with the aim of ensuring that the club remains in the city of Alcoy as part of the heritage of Alcoyano society. Following a recent joint meeting, nine action points were agreed upon to achieve this goal.

Join for the continuity of the club

The political parties represented in the Alcoi City Council, such as the PSOE, the PP, Compromís, Vox and Guanyar Alcoi, together with the La Moral No Morirà Platform and the fan clubs, have agreed to unite to guarantee that CD Alcoyano continues to play and transmit values ​​to the city. This union aims to defend the club against possible pressures and resort to all necessary legal actions.

Commitment to the city

The participants in the meeting expressed their full support for the fans, the fans and the Alcoa society in general. In addition, they agreed to participate in demonstrations and other joint actions to show their unity of action. They also emphasized the importance of maintaining an open dialogue and improving the club’s infrastructure and sporting conditions.

Specific actions

Among the agreed points, stand out the suspension of the General Shareholders’ Meeting scheduled for June 17, the processing of a heritage recognition of CD Alcoyano as an Intangible Cultural Interest (BIC) and the taking of all the shares necessary legal measures in case the dialogue does not produce satisfactory results. In addition, it was recognized that CD Alcoyano is an indivisible heritage of Alcoyano society and that it represents the values ​​of the city.

Commitment to continuity

The participants in the meeting expressed their determination to continue working together to ensure that CD Alcoyano remains in Alcoy. More meetings will be held to find joint solutions and carry out all the procedures necessary to achieve this goal.

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