Inici » Pope Francis speaks of hope in an audience with the Lutheran World Federation

Pope Francis speaks of hope in an audience with the Lutheran World Federation

un grup d'homes parats els uns als altres davant d'una multitud de persones en un edifici amb un sacerdot, Arthur Sarkissian, en marc, una foto, premsa privada

Pope Francis highlights signs of hope in the future

On Thursday, June 20, Pope Francis received in audience a delegation from the Lutheran World Federation, where he spoke of hope. According to the pope, this meeting was an important gesture of fraternity and highlighted the many signs of hope that are emerging for the future. Among these signs, the Holy Year stands out with the motto ‘Pilgrims of hope’ and the 1,700th anniversary of the first Council of Nicaea, which defined the divinity of Christ ( -Catalan/).

The importance of ecumenism and reconciliation

During the audience, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of ecumenism and reconciliation between Lutherans and Catholics. He referred to the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, signed in 1999 in Augsburg, which has a strong ecumenical value. This document will celebrate its twenty-fifth anniversary next year, and the pope stated that this is another sign of hope in the history of reconciliation between the two confessions.

The importance of common baptism

Pope Francis emphasized that baptism is the common spiritual origin between Lutherans and Catholics. He invited us to pray ‘with confidence as pilgrims of hope’ and reminded us that baptism is a single baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

A memory to an orthodox theologian

Pope Francis recalled the words of the Orthodox theologian Bishop Ioannis Zizioulas, Metropolitan Major of Pergamum, who contributed to the drafting of the encyclical Laudato Si’. He called him a ‘pioneer of ecumenism’ and quoted some of his words about the importance of walking, praying and doing charity together.


In short, Pope Francis highlighted signs of hope for the future and stressed the importance of ecumenism and reconciliation between Lutherans and Catholics. He invited us to pray together as pilgrims of hope and recalled the importance of common baptism. He has also made a memorial to an Orthodox theologian who contributed to the encyclical Laudato Si’. At the end of the audience, the Pope invited those present to pray the Lord’s Prayer together in their own languages ​​(

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